As it works to buy Importadora Ltda Clothing House. From regions?
Como Comprar
Como Comprar
Como Comprar
  • Call the phone 02-28843303 or call +56942325547 and check availability of stock.
  • After confirmation, you have several options to cancel your order, for example:
      • Depositing RUT (Bancoestado) Account. Account details delivered only by phone.
      • Placing a current account Banco BCI. BCI box or directly online or Servipag.

    Current Account details are delivered by phone or mail (VENTAS@CASADEROPA.CL).

  • Once the Bales dispatched to his home by parcel deposit they confirmed, for that we need to send us your datos.Datos necessary to effectuate the Office for parcels are:
    • Full name.
    • RUT.
    • Address.
    • Cell.
    • Name of the company entrusts you prefer.
  • Customers who need Invoices must advise this for the price and not after.

Free offer Office to several locations in Chile, become a fan on our Facebook Clothing House to be informed about offers free Office.

Como Comprar